A Ravensfield Curriculum Opens up the World
A Ravensfield Curriculum educates children to be inquisitive, tolerant and knowledge-rich young citizens of our community, but also the wider world. By designing a curriculum, with our children at its heart, we aim to develop them to their fullest potential as we know that this will help prepare them for life’s journey. Once a child leaves our community, they will have studied a curriculum that is progressive, ambitious and eye-opening to the wonders of human creativity and achievement. To help drive and progress our curriculum we have developed three curriculum drivers:
Possibilities - which helps pupils to build aspirations and appreciate the unlimited possibilities for their future lives.
Locality - which helps pupils to develop a pride in their heritage through an understanding how Dukinfield and our wider local area has contributed to the development of the UK and continues to do so today.
Cultural Capital - which ensures our children build core knowledge to allow them to access and appreciate the wonders of the world.
These drivers are the golden threads that run through our curriculum and respond to the particular needs of our school community: an inclusive, ambitious and exciting curriculum for the children of Dukinfield.
Want to know more about the curriculum? send an email to mainoffice@ravensfield.tameside.sch.uk and we will have a member of the school contact you.
“Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world” Nelson Mandela.
Use the drop down menus below to view information about each area of our curriculum:
If you want to know about a particular subject, please contact the main office who will direct your request to the appropriate member of staff.
What Is Learning?
- What Is Learning?
Links & Downloads
The Vision for Reading
Reading is the gate keeper to knowledge and so learning to read, and the skills which sit alongside it, will open up not only the curriculum, but the world and its possibilities. Our ultimate aim is for our children to become confident, independent readers with high levels of enjoyment, understanding and comprehension. We believe children should be readers. This aim is driven with our school values in mind: love, honesty, forgiveness, respect and hope. Therefore, our pupils will be exposed to a rich, broad and socially diverse variety of literature, poetry, non-fiction and other texts to teach them about these values, which in turn will give them a good foundation for their future academic and working lives. Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.
Reading starts with children recognising the phonemes we use in English. In school we use Read, Write Inc as our phonics scheme. Our aim is to make every child a reader! For more information on phonics, please see the phonics page (link below).
Below are long term plans to key stories, poems and books that children will study, love and become enthralled by. They provide a mirror and a window for our children and have been carefully selected to showcase our multicultural society, our history, our geography and our British values.
Writing and Oracy
The Vision for Writing
Learning to write not only provides children with communication skills which will benefit them throughout life, but allows them the opportunity to explore a broad range of texts and genres, encouraging a love of literature. Our aim is that, by the end of primary school, children will be equipped with all of the fundamental skills and knowledge of written and spoken language, allowing them to enter further education and the wider world literate and able to fluently communicate, as well as taking with them a passion for writing as a subject. Our content will therefore focus on embedding the spelling, grammar and punctuation rules, which are the foundations of writing, as well as exploring language techniques and the skills of planning and sequencing writing through a text-rich curriculum. Through our choice of texts, children will be exposed to literature from varied social and cultural backgrounds, providing access and insight to experiences beyond their normal lives and supporting our school values of love, honesty, hope and respect. These will provide our children with a wealth of ideas about which to write, enabling them to grow as writers, discover their own writing voice and develop a sense of identity through their work.
The Vision for Speaking and Listening or 'Oracy'
At Ravensfield, our knowledge rich curriculum is built around a clear understanding of how we learn. We know that speaking and listening play a critical role in all learning. Oracy therefore sits at the centre of all our lessons, both in the activities we set and the structures we use to support them. These provide a fertile ground for social development and support, creating a space for children to support and challenge each other. This approach helps to demonstrate our school values: love, honesty, forgiveness, respect and hope. We want all our children to be able to speak confidently to a range of audiences and listen effectively. We have a clear progression for speech and language development which we use to ensure our provision is excellent. We understand how important adult role models are and use our own language and behaviour to set the highest expectations for our children.
“Reading and writing float on a sea of talk” – James Britton
The Vision for Mathematics
Mathematics is an important creative discipline that helps us to understand and change the world. We want all pupils at Ravensfield Primary School to experience the beauty, power and enjoyment of mathematics and develop a sense of curiosity about the subject with a clear understanding. Maths sits at the heart of daily life and children will be given the opportunity to experience the awe and wonder of numerical and geometrical patterns and rules. At Ravensfield we foster positive 'can do' attitudes and we promote the fact that ‘We can all do maths!’ We believe all children can achieve in mathematics and teach for secure and deep understanding of mathematical concepts through manageable, small steps. We use mistakes and misconceptions as an essential part of learning and provide challenge through rich and sophisticated problems. Children will spend time becoming true masters of content, applying and being creative with new knowledge in multiple ways.
Without mathematics, there's nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is number.
Shakuntala Devi
White Rose
Here at Ravensfield we have built a maths curriculum that is broad, ambitious and prepares our children for the next stage of their education. We use White Rose to support us in building our curriculum. We have taken this scheme and then used our expertise in teaching and learning to design a progressive and coherent maths curriculum for the children of Ravensfield.
More information about White Rose can be accessed following this link:
EYFS (Nursery and Reception)
The Vision for Early Years at Ravensfield
Nursery and Reception are a vital starting point for any child's education. Here children learn through play; through carefully structured activities and continuous provision areas which allow children to learn and enhance key skills, as well as learn to work and play alongside and with others.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework has four overarching principles which we follow:
Every child is unique and is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable and self-assured.
Children learn to develop to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
Children learn and develop well in enabling environments with teaching and support for adults who support to their interests and needs and to build their learning over time. This is enhanced by a strong relationship between parents and practitioners.
Children learn and develop at different rates and we help children develop three characteristics of effective learning: Playing and Exploring; Active Learning and Creating and thinking critically.
In addition, we specifically teach children to read (through RWI) and to develop maths and number skills through focussed teaching.These skills they can then develop further in the environment.
- Nursery long term plan
- Reception Long term plan
Links & Downloads
The Vision for Science
Science is the understanding of the natural and physical world around us through observation and experiment. At Ravensfield, a carefully developed curriculum firmly embeds and revisits the theoretical and experimental disciplines of physics, chemistry and biology. Science lessons encompass a sense of awe and wonder and we aim to do this through practical and exciting experiences which encourage children’s natural curiosity and foster their love of learning. In each science topic studied, age-related scientific vocabulary is introduced and revised. The theoretical aspects of each topic are strongly supported by hands on discovery and working scientifically is a crucial strand of learning. It is carefully embedded through precise questioning, hypothesising, experimentation and interpretation. Our overall aim is that all children will understand the vital importance of science and how working as scientists will enable future discoveries, innovations and the understanding of our world. Our school values of love, honesty, forgiveness, respect and hope are supported by Science as the subject allows children to explore the world around them and beyond and to be inspired by the discoveries they make.
Scheme of learning
Here at Ravensfield we follow a scheme of learning that is broad, ambitious and prepares our children for the next stage of their education. We use The White Rose and Ogden Turst Curriculum for science. We have taken these curriculums and then used our expertise in teaching and learning to design a progressive and coherent science curriculum for the children of Ravensfield.
More information about the locally agreed syllabus can be accessed following this link:
- Science long term plan
Links & Downloads
The Vision for History
At Ravensfield, we believe that learning about History through significant events and people can lay the foundations for enquiring and questioning minds. This means our children become Historians. We inspire curiosity to know more about the past and investigate how history can shape the future. Through carefully sequenced study, we ensure children develop an understanding of the process of change, diversity of different societies and the relationships between different groups of people and how this has an impact on the challenges we face today. This includes the development of British Values and reflects the Ravensfield school values of love, honesty, forgiveness, respect and hope. Through a development of chronological awareness and an understanding of continuity and key events and developments, children will have the opportunity to discuss different viewpoints and weigh up diverse evidence and explore how different cultures and individuals have responded and their impact.
- History Long Term Plan
Links & Downloads
The Vision for Geography
At Ravensfield, we want all children to see themselves as Geographers as we believe that Geography can inspire a lifelong curiosity and a fascination about the world and its people. Our school values of love, honesty, forgiveness, respect and hope are supported by Geography as the subject allows children to explore the world around them and beyond. Through carefully sequenced study of key areas, we give children opportunities to gain greater knowledge of diverse places, people and environments. Through investigation and experience, fieldwork, and study of the human and physical processes, children are able to develop an understanding of the connections and interdependence of all these elements in the world that we live. This allows them to express thoughtful and considered opinions about the issues that arise from this and thus theyn are able to access debate and develop an awareness of the human and physical considerations both close to home and further afield.
- Geography Long Term Plan
Links & Downloads
Art and Design
The Vision for Art and Design
We believe that when learning about art and design, all children should learn to be artists. Our school values of hope, love, honesty, respect and forgiveness are supported by art. This is because art allows children to explore their thoughts and feelings and to see the whole world around them in new and interesting ways. Across their years in school, the children will continually improve and develop the key skills of drawing, painting, sculpture and printing. They will be supported and encouraged both to express themselves creatively and to respond confidently and knowledgeably to pieces of art. All children will learn about key British artists, and be supported to be ever more curious about the wealth of art from a diverse range of time and places.
Art is a place for children to learn to trust their ideas, themselves and to explore what is possible. Maryann Kohl.
- Art Long Term Plan
Links & Downloads
Design Technolgy
The Vision for Design Technology
Design and Technology is vital for all children to foster their imagination. Children should be given the opportunity to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of designing and making functional products. Our school values of love, honesty, forgiveness, respect and hope are supported by Design and Technology as the subject allows children to explore the world around them and beyond, being inspired by the innovation they see. Throughout Design and Technology at Ravensfield, children will nurture their creativity and innovation by exploring the designed and made world in which we all live and work. Children will design and make increasing their skills in joining, constructing, textiles and food preparation. They will evaluate and improve products as well as learning from great designers past and present in order to be pioneers of the future.
- D and T Long Term Plan
Links & Downloads
RE and Collective Worship
The Vision for RE
At Ravensfield we believe that Religious Education is an integral part of our wider curriculum. Through experiences and providing knowledge to our children we can expose them to a broad spectrum of religious faiths, worldviews and celebrate differences in religion. We develop the children’s knowledge and understanding, place an importance on addressing the fundamental questions in life and enable children to not only learn about religion but to reflect on their learning. Throughout their school journey in Religious Education, we value all children’s opinions, beliefs and this contributes to the shape and structure of the curriculum at Ravensfield. Children can reflect on what it means to have a faith, develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding, and create links to our school values: love, hope, forgiveness, respect and honesty. As a school we feel it is important that children are given many opportunities to experience different religions first-hand; and through this we can provide children with such experiences through visits and religious figures attending the school. It is pivotal to Ravensfield that children feel motivated and inspired through religion and can truly understand the spiritual and moral life lessons that underpin our Religious Education curriculum.
Scheme of learning
Here at Ravensfield we follow a scheme of learning that is broad, ambitious and prepares our children for the next stage of their education. We use the locally agreed syllabus for religious education. We have taken this and then used our expertise in teaching and learning to impart the knowledge children need while at the same time showing fidelity to the scheme.
More information about the locally agreed syllabus can be accessed following this link:
- Long Term Plan R.E
- R.E Focus Events in School
Links & Downloads
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC)
The Vision for SMSC
The development of pupils’ SMSC awareness is core to our school’s ethos. It is established across the curriculum teaching and learning. It has a strong visibility in the ethos, life and work of the school through pupils’ behaviour, relationships, and attitudes. This means our pupils will have the opportunity to
increase their spiritual awareness and development by being exposed to opportunities of awe and wonder that will contribute to their spiritual growth.
to develop good moral values and understand about the importance of truthfulness and to know the difference between right and wrong.
build an understanding of justice, fair play and honour..
to get on well together as a school community and develop the personal and interpersonal social skills that make for harmony and empathy for others.
to understand about the wider society in which they live as citizens and the rights and responsibilities that come with that.
have an understanding of the rich culture in which they live and to increase their knowledge and understanding of the wider cultures that make up our societies and the diverse world in which they live.
Collective worship will be provided to enable children to develop their spiritual awareness and spiritual understanding Across the curriculum, teaching and learning pupils will experience awe and wonder as they have new experiences that lift their spirits.
On every appropriate occasion teachers will use first-hand experience, visits, visitors, artefacts and the local and wider environment to provide good opportunities for pupils to experience awe and wonder.
In religious education, through their understanding of the different faiths and beliefs children will be encouraged to develop their feelings and ‘empathy and understanding for others.
Through history and geography and their increasing knowledge and understanding of the world, learners will be helped to develop an understanding of the British society in which they live and its cultural diversity. They will also learn about the diversity of cultures across time and across the world..
Children will learn about the influence of religion, faith and belief on democracy, our government, the Monarchy, citizenship, and the Law. They will learn about rights and responsibilities, moral, spiritual, social, ethical and environmental issues.
Pupils will be taught how to develop the social skills that build society including how to work harmoniously with others, how to have empathy for others and how to respect the beliefs and cultures of others.
Across the curriculum, in teaching and learning pupils will learn how to behave, the importance of truthfulness and honesty. They will learn about the importance of kindness and care for others and of the importance of justice and fairness.
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The Vision for PHSE
At Ravensfield, Personal, Social, Health Education (and Relationships Education) is central to our curriculum; it helps children grow and develop as individuals and as members of families and communities. We provide children with lifelong skills that are essential for growing and learning in a rapidly changing environment. Through our delicate and caring approach to learning, we facilitate lessons that promote discussion, thought and integrity as well as drawing on our 5 key values: love, honesty, forgiveness, respect and hope. Throughout the PSHE school journey, pupils will have the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes they need to lead a healthy, confident and balanced life, as well as becoming a morally rich and well-rounded citizen. In addition, we help children to understand how they are developing personally and socially, and as a team we tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. As a school, we understand the importance of not only educating the mind, but also educating the heart by providing our children with a curriculum for life.
Scheme of learning
Here at Ravensfield we follow a scheme of learning that is broad, ambitious and prepares our children for the next stage of their education. We use Jigsaw Curriculum for PSHE. We have taken this curriculum and then used our expertise in teaching and learning to implement a progressive and coherent PSHE curriculum for the children of Ravensfield.
More information about the curriculum can be accessed following this link:
- PSHE Long Term Plan
Links & Downloads
The Vision for Music
At Ravensfield, we recognise that music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. This is uniquely placed to inspire pupils and thus foster self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. Our high-quality music education engages pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians. We use music to inspire hearts and minds to develop our school values of hope, love, honesty, respect and forgiveness. We appreciate all that music has to offer in terms of cultural capital, listening to music from across time and across the world. As pupils progress, they develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, appreciate and perform to a variety of audiences.
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” Plato
Scheme of learning
Here at Ravensfield we follow a scheme of learning that is broad, ambitious and prepares our children for the next stage of their education. We use the Sparkyard curriculum for music. We have taken this curriculum and then used our expertise in teaching and learning to implement a progressive and coherent Music curriculum for the children of Ravensfield.
More information about the curriculum can be accessed following this link:
- Music Long Term Plan
- Music EYFS Long Term Plan
Links & Downloads
Physical Education
The Vision for P.E
At Ravensfield Primary School, our PE curriculum aims to excel and develop a passion for physical activity for all pupils. Our mission is to improve the quality and quantity of physical activity across the school day through specially trained coaches and staff. Our school values of hope, love, honesty, forgiveness and respect are reflected in our provision. This can be seen through our focus on healthy lifestyles, self-expression and concepts such as fair play, teamwork and leadership that will advance the child both in and out of the classroom. With an additional focus on wellbeing and healthy mind’s our Physical education programme values joy and sense of achievement, highlighting inclusivity for all sporting abilities.
We endeavour to link our work with that of other grassroots and professional clubs in the local area to promote accessible sports and allow our children cultural capital.
‘You can’t put a limit on anything’ Michael Phelps.
Scheme of learning
Here at Ravensfield we follow a scheme of learning that is broad, ambitious and prepares our children for the next stage of their education. We use the P.E Passport curriculum for P.E. We have taken this curriculum and then used our expertise in teaching and learning to implement a progressive and coherent P.E curriculum for the children of Ravensfield.
More information about the curriculum can be accessed following this link:
- P.E Long Term Plan
Links & Downloads
Languages: Spanish
The Vision for Spanish
Learning a modern foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening into new cultures and experiences whilst also fostering pupils' curiosity, deepening their understanding of the world and developing cultural capital. We believe that all children have the right to this learning. At Ravensfield Primary school, KS2 children will learn to speak Spanish with increasing fluency, spontaneity and confidence. The children will develop skills across the school years and become more confident in exploring the patterns and sounds of language, asking and answering questions and presenting ideas and information orally toa range of audiences. Our curriculum for Spanish is underpinned by our school values of love, honesty, forgiveness, respect and hope.
"A different language is a different vision of life."
Federico Fellini
Scheme of learning
Here at Ravensfield we follow a scheme of learning that is broad, ambitious and prepares our children for the next stage of their education. We use the Language Angels curriculum for MFL. We have taken this curriculum and then used our expertise in teaching and learning to implement a progressive and coherent MFL curriculum for the children of Ravensfield.
More information about the curriculum can be accessed following this link:
- Spanish Language Games
- Spanish Long Term Plan
Links & Downloads
We are passionate about supporting our children's social and emotional well-being. We want our children to grow into happy, secure, resilient children grow up to have the skills to cope with all the things that life throws at us as adults. To help our children we use 'The Thrive Approach' and have a number of specially trained practitioners on the senior leadership team as well as in classrooms.
The Thrive Approach has been developed over many years by experts working in mental health, emotional development and education. Thrive is all about helping children to flourish. It supports their emotional and social development and helps them feel happy and secure, able to enjoy friendships, relate well to others and be ready and able to learn.
Thrive is a specific way of working with all children that helps to develop their social and emotional wellbeing, enabling them to engage with life and learning. It supports them in becoming more self-assured, capable and adaptable. It can also address any troubling behaviours providing a firm foundation for academic attainment.
- A Parents Guide to Thrive
Download our PDF Guide
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The Vision for Computing
Computers in all their forms impact on everyone’s life. At Ravensfield, we equip our children to take their place in current and future technologies to communicate, research, connect and create everything and anything from an email to an animation from a photograph to a game. We have a carefullly structured progression to ensure children to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of computing, coding and communication. Through this work we teach children to use technology effectively and efficiently and above all else, keep themselves safe. We are enthusiastic about embracing innovation and equipping children for new frontiers without losing their capacity for curiosity and questioning about what they see, hear and read.
Scheme of learning
Here at Ravensfield we follow a scheme of learning that is broad, ambitious and prepares our children for the next stage of their education. We use the Purple Mash curriculum for computing. We have taken this curriculum and then used our expertise in teaching and learning to implement a progressive and coherent computing curriculum for the children of Ravensfield.
More information about the curriculum can be accessed following this link:
- Computing Long Term Plan