School Day
Description | Time |
Nursery morning sessions | 8:30am - 11:30am |
Nursery afternoon session | 12:30pm - 3:30pm |
EYFS through to Year 6 | 8:40am - 3:15pm |
Registration for EYFS through to Year 6 | 8:55am |
Total School Time | 32.5 hours |
Description | Time |
Office/School Opening time | 8:15am - 3:30pm |
Paying Online
The best way to pay for most activities in school is via our online payment provider School Money, this system is used for payments such as for school meals, out of school club and trips.
From time to time you will receive a text message from the school inviting you to access the payment website as an option to make a payment for an activity.
To ensure that we all experience maximum benefit from this service, we would ask all parents to notify us if you have recently changed your mobile number. Please let the school office know as soon as possible when your mobile number changes.
You can download a copy of the School Money Guide for Parents at the bottom of this page.
Free School Meals
Orders for children eligible for Free Meals or Universal infant Free School Meals (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) should be made through School Money, no payment will be required.
If you think your child is eligible for free school meals, please contact the school office.
Midmorning Snacks
You may like your child to have a midmorning snack. We welcome fruit and vegetables, but we ask you not to send your child with sweets, chocolate or crisps. Please respect our policy on healthy eating and dental care!
Chewing gum is not allowed in school.
KS1 are provided with free fruit every day.
School Meals
All meals are cooked fresh everyday only using fresh ingredients bought from local suppliers. Every 4 weeks a new menu is uploaded onto School Money (the online payment system) where parents can book and pay for their child’s meal. This system allows you to order the whole menu for the week or just a few odd days. Each meal costs £2.53.
The deadline for orders will be 12.00 noon on a Wednesday for meals required the following week.
Pastoral Care
Medical Issues & Emergency Contact Information
You are asked to complete a contact form giving details of your child. Please ensure that your contact details are correct, and that the school is told about any health matters, especially allergies, relating to your child. Please ensure if your child uses an inhaler a spare current inhaler remains in school for your child's use if needed.
It is essential that you keep us updated of any change in circumstances regarding contact numbers. If we are unable to contact you the Head or Deputy will assume parental responsibility and will act, as any caring parent would do under the circumstances. If you do not wish the Head or Deputy to take this responsibility, please inform the school.
If your child has a problem at school
From time to time, in the children's lives, events may take place that are upsetting for them. If you are able to share information about your child's personal life with us it can be extremely useful in helping us to offer understanding and support.
This will always be dealt with in the strictest confidence.
If you think your child is experiencing any kind of difficulty at school, please make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher in the first instance.