Nursery Admissions
Nursery admissions are managed by the school - please contact the main office on 0161 344 2905 for further details.
The Ravensfield Nursery is a truly excellent start to your child's school journey. Children can attend on a part time or full time basis (wrap around care is available if families meet the eligibility criteria).
Part time children attend either 8.30am-11.30am or 12.30pm and 3.30pm and attend 3 hours each day from Monday to Friday.
Full time children attend 8.30am-3.30pm with 1 hour for lunch, this is known as wraparound and can be funded please see here for criteria or paid for - please contact the school office on 0161 344 2905 if you require further information.
All children are allocated to one of two keyworker groups and are met each day by their keyworker for registration and PSE activities. We support PSE, Communication Language and Literacy alongside Physical development initially moving to more focused subjects as the children develop.
The children have a taught maths and phonics input daily and focused activities are provided daily to support maths, topic and literacy development. The children have busy/time/ Child initiated learning for prolonged periods of each session where adults are able to support their play and individual development through observation and timed interactions. We have a full and active curriculum developed in line with Development matters and the school curriculum and provide opportunities for all children to work towards their individual potential in a supportive and nurturing environment.
If you would like to arrange a tour around school please contact the school office on: 0161 344 2905.
Reception and older
Admissions for reception aged and older children to are managed by the local authority. If you would like your child to attend our school, please go to the website below for the admission arrangements that our school uses:
Please see our video giving further information about our wonderful reception setting. The children benefit a first class learning environment and from experienced, knowledgeable staff who really care about the children. We have very high standards of teaching to ensure firm foundations are built for future success across their primary and secondary education.
If you would like any further information or guidance, please contact the school main office on 0161 344 2905. Please be aware that you will be expected to provide a full birth certificate and photo ID for parents.