School Uniform
What a child wears to school reflects his/her attitude to learning. It portrays the school's ethos and shared positive values. We have a very simple uniform that the pupils must wear to school. These are required unless otherwise indicated:
- Yellow polo shirt with or without the school logo
- Maroon sweatshirt, cardigan with the school logo
- Grey trousers or skirt or dress
- Yellow gingham summer dress
- School appropriate plain black footwear with either grey or white socks or tights
- Discrete plain black hair clips or bobbles
- Black footwear
Our logoed school uniform can now be purchased from Kids Stop. They offer a fast and reliable service. They can be found at Kids Stop, 49 Market Street, Hyde SK14 2AB. They are open Monday to Saturday from 9:30am to 5:00pm. Telephone number 0161 368 4500. The website is Local super markets sell uniform in school colour. These items will not carry the school logo.
If a family finds it difficult to buy or provide uniform for their children they should contact Mrs Evans, our family liasion officer, on We will do our best to help.
On health and safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in school. The exceptions to this rule are simple stud earring in pierced ears and wristwatches. Wristwatches should not contain games, cameras, internet connection etc. .
If your child wants their ears pierced, the start of the summer holidays is the only sensible time to do it. This gives enough time for ears to heal so that earrings can be removed for PE.
PE/Games Kit
It is important for pupils to wear correct clothing for physical activities.
The PE kit is a white T-shirt with plain dark shorts/leggings or tracksuit-bottoms with suitable pumps or trainers. Children may wear a plain black sweatshirt or their usual school sweatshirt/cardigan/fleece.
Jewellery must not be worn for sporting activities and long hair should be tied back. This means no earrings or watches in PE or swimming lessons.
PE arrangements will be shared by teachers on ClassDojo. Children may come into school in their PE kit on PE days.
Lost Property
Naming all items of clothing reduces the risk! Please name items of children's clothing. We do keep lost property for a reasonable period of time, but it is often difficult to identify items that are not labelled. If your child has lost something then please check in their classroom first. Displays of lost property are made before the end of each school year and if it is not claimed it is then sold or given away to charities.